experiential outcomes
identity outcomes
packaging outcomes
graphic/photograpy outcomes
Naomi Gledhill-Wallace
FMP: Free Charles Byrne
Free Charles Byrne is a campaign/protest to free Charles Byrne's remains. His story is 200 years old and is shocking as his wishes weren't respected at all. He didn't want to be on display just because he was one of the tallest people in the world or be dissected by scientists and these things have happened. At the campaign, packets with a mini newspaper in and a badge would be given out to get supporters. This campaign would be targeted at the Hunterian Museum in London where Byrne's remains are kept. The aim is to finally have his wishes respected and have him buried at sea.
web: https://5gledn07.wixsite.com/naomijgw email: naomijgw@icloud.com insta: naomijgwdesigns